The Journey – Day 6

Well folks, I’ve made it almost a week in this new way of eating. I’m sure all 3 of you are rolling your eyes and shaking your heads, but for me, this is a big deal. I have severe attitude problems when it comes to changing my food habits. They’ve sabotaged me every time I’ve made the attempt in the past. And, of course, I let them. I’m trying to keep the attitude in check this time, and I’m proud of myself for hanging tough these first few days.

It’s not been that bad, though I have had a couple of moments of self pity and a few cravings – but not nearly as many as I was expecting. The things I’ve missed the most, strangely enough have been ice cream and chips. I was craving some salt and vinegar chips today something FIERCE! I did buy some sugar free, low carb ice cream treats. I haven’t tried them yet, but they have cheered my kid up. My self pity moment came when I cooked dinner at church the other night and had to serve garlic bread. I can put a beating on some garlic bread. But I didn’t eat any. I DID eat one, single, spaghetti noodle, because I had to see if they were done. But don’t worry, I didn’t enjoy it. 😀 Ha!

As of yesterday, I am down 6 pounds. Today, I tried on a shirt my sister gave me a couple of months ago. It had been too tight, even with my wicked stretching skills. Today, with just a normal amount of stretching, (I do that with all my shirts – I don’t like them clingy) I was able to wear it fairly comfortably. I call that a good reason to keep going.

I’m still struggling with fatigue. I think I’m getting enough electrolytes, but maybe I’m not getting as much as I think. I’ll be looking into that this week, to see what I need to do differently. My other struggle is actually eating enough. I can definitely tell a difference in my appetite, and at times it’s tough to get the protein and such that I’m supposed to eat. That does make it a bit easier to stay under my carb limit though.

All in all, week one hasn’t killed me, and for the most part, I’ve kept my attitude on the positive end of the scale. Hubby hasn’t weighed yet, but he’s had to move his belt to the very last hole, which is a win. As for the kiddo, she of course isn’t doing this for the purpose of losing weight, but just to get in a habit of eating healthier and making better choices. She says she feels good and that she’s glad we’re doing it together. She’s also looking forward to the day we declare a cheat day. I’m just not sure when we’ll break down and do that yet.

Eventually I’ll get up the nerve to share my “before” pictures. I’m not there yet. But I’ll get there.

Here’s to week 2! Thanks for coming along and cheering me on!

The Journey – Day 3

Day 3 I woke up feeling like I hadn’t slept at all, due to a pain in my neck all night. (And I don’t mean my husband. Ba dum pum!) So I wasn’t feeling all that happy with the idea of being up at 5:30, and decided just as an experiment, I would do an unofficial weigh-in. I hadn’t planned to do that for at least a week, but, why not? To my surprise, I was down 5 pounds. I’m sure that’s all water, but that has to go first any time you lose weight, so I’m happy that much went that quickly.

Food was a bit more of a challenge today. I need to do some more in-depth prepping. And this weekend, I need to do some experimenting with breakfast ideas. That’s been a big challenge for the 12 year old. She doesn’t care for eggs, and though she loves bacon, there’s only so much she can eat to last her until her school lunchtime at 12:30. She’s used to having bacon AND a waffle or cereal. That’s still a work in progress. The hubby’s breakfast is easy. He loves eggs. For him this morning, I scrambled eggs with prosciutto and swiss cheese. I’m sticking to Bulletproof coffee and loving it.

All of that to say, dinner was a treat! I cook for the folks at the church where I work on Wednesday evenings, and the menu tonight was spaghetti and garlic bread. Since we wouldn’t be having that, the hubby and kid went and picked up wings for us. Oh man, they were good! And the real, full-fat, bleu cheese dressing on the side made me happier than I should admit.

I was wondering why we haven’t experienced as many of the “keto flu” symptoms we were expecting. My theory is that it’s because we started adding lots of electrolytes to our day at the same time we started this way of eating. That’s the only thing I can come up with, because we have stayed under our daily carb allowance easily each day. (So far!) I’ll take it though. I’m happy not to have felt as lousy as I was expecting. There’s been some fatigue and a bit of nausea, but it has been manageable.

One other perk – and I suppose this could be mere coincidence – I haven’t had ANY heartburn since before we started. I had been dealing with it every, single, day. That’s something I didn’t expect, but am thrilled about. I hope it stays that way.

This evening, since I’ve only used 11 of my allotted 23 carbs, I’m enjoying a nice glass of Merlot and looking forward to a better night’s sleep.


The Journey – Kicking & Screaming

I love the word “journey.” So, since my attitude when it comes to major lifestyle changes is generally terrible, I decided to refer to this one with a word I like. Maybe if I make myself tell the world – and by world, I mean probably 2 readers – it will help keep me accountable. And if I’m lucky, even get me back in the habit of writing again.

My family and I, under the coercion, errr, I mean, the leadership of my husband, is undertaking a new Keto lifestyle. Now, you have to understand, I am excessively skeptical of anything trendy and this is the BIG TREND right now. I was not happy about the idea of trying yet another thing, when nothing else has stuck. Having done a good bit of research though, I can see the idea behind this one, how it could be effective in not just losing weight, but also reclaiming health.  So, I jumped in the boat.

(I’ll admit, I almost quit after the first grocery shopping trip. It is utter insanity that it costs so much to eat healthily. And people wonder why there’s an obesity epidemic and rampant heart disease in the world?!)

I’ve been overweight all my life. I was probably overweight at birth, but the doctor was too polite to say so. I was the one who heard, “You would be so pretty if you would lose some weight,” more times than I would like. Oh and, “You have such a pretty face.” My favorite one ever though, and I mean that because it makes me laugh now, was when someone described me as being, “young, only in her 20’s but she looks older because she’s overweight.” Well crap! I was laboring under the assumption that keeping some fat on you kept those wrinkles plumped out and helped you look younger!
I also have a large build (thanks, Dad.) which would once have probably been referred to as “athletic.” That, however, was when I was young and proportionate. As you get older and gravity bears down on you harder, your proportions change. DRASTICALLY. (If there are any young ladies reading this thinking that can’t be true, get back to me when you go bra shopping in your mid 30’s. Trust me.)

Now, there are apparently as many different variations of Keto as there are sizes in my closet. What we have decided to do, after much reading and information gathering, is to use the high fat/mid protein/low carb method. And it goes against everything I’ve believed all my chubby life.  Anytime I’ve looked at changing my diet, it’s been all about low-fat, low-fat, low-fat. And portion control. But mostly just low-fat. This is a tough adjustment to make. But the idea, as I understand it, is that if your body doesn’t have sugar and carbs readily available to burn, it will burn fat, and it will burn it more efficiently – a slow burn, if you will, rather than the quick flash of carb fuel.

So, today was D-Day. The day we changed our whole diet in an attempt to change our whole outlook, and in time, we hope, our lives. And, I have to say, for a day 1, it wasn’t terrible. Here are a few thoughts to sum up the first day:

For breakfast, I had our version of Bulletproof coffee, the idea of which freaked me out to begin with. Greasy coffee? Ummmmm, why?!  I am a self-confessed coffee addict. I love the stuff any time, and all the time. I usually drink it with just a little cream, no sugar. I took that idea into my trial cup of this variation yesterday, and it was….tolerable. It wasn’t terrible. But I didn’t look forward to having it again, and normally when I get halfway through a cup of coffee, I’m already anticipating my next cup. Since this recipe is supposed to be filling enough to keep you satisfied for a few hours, I decided to try it for my actual breakfast – 12 ounces coffee, 2 tablespoons REAL butter, 1 tablespoon coconut oil, a splash of heavy cream, plus a teaspoon of Stevia sweetener and a sprinkle of cinnamon, (my hubby’s idea) all into the blender and gave it a good mix. It was pretty good! The little extra flavor from the Stevia and the cinnamon seemed to counteract the “greasy” feel. It was 3 and a half hours before I began to feel hungry, which is pretty unusual for me unless I eat a BIG breakfast. Ok, that’s a win, I can do that for breakfast.

One thing I noticed though, after lunch I got crazy tired. I was yawning every 30 seconds and just felt like I could fall over. I felt not just sleepy, but my body felt sluggish too. I drank a cup of coffee trying to get through the work day, and felt better for a while, then that same sleepy, sluggishness hit me again about 3:00. My family will tell you that I love naps, and regularly carve out time for them on the weekends. (Sometimes on weekdays too, if I can get away with it!) But it’s rare that I feel this kind of tired. I’m not sure how to explain it accurately, I just know it was different. I took the opportunity to lie down for an hour and felt better. Now it’s 8:30 and the sluggish feeling is coming back again. This admitted night owl who hates going to bed before at least 11, is thinking about how good sleep sounds.  I’m hoping this will be a temporary effect. I imagine it’s because my body is used to having those carb rushes and I haven’t had that today. Normally it isn’t something I even think about –
To put it into perspective, I am keeping my carbs at 23 grams or less per day. I looked at a store bought Rice Krispies treat square, the small one. It has 17 grams of carbs for ONE. Today, I have had 16.5 grams, so I’m guessing my body is asking, “What in the name of all that is holy are you doing to me, woman?”

With that in mind, I believe I’ll listen to her and go to bed. I mean, after all, if I’m not up, I’m not tempted to snack, right?

Here’s to day 1 under my belt. (which will hopefully be smaller soon!)