The Journey – Day 6

Well folks, I’ve made it almost a week in this new way of eating. I’m sure all 3 of you are rolling your eyes and shaking your heads, but for me, this is a big deal. I have severe attitude problems when it comes to changing my food habits. They’ve sabotaged me every time I’ve made the attempt in the past. And, of course, I let them. I’m trying to keep the attitude in check this time, and I’m proud of myself for hanging tough these first few days.

It’s not been that bad, though I have had a couple of moments of self pity and a few cravings – but not nearly as many as I was expecting. The things I’ve missed the most, strangely enough have been ice cream and chips. I was craving some salt and vinegar chips today something FIERCE! I did buy some sugar free, low carb ice cream treats. I haven’t tried them yet, but they have cheered my kid up. My self pity moment came when I cooked dinner at church the other night and had to serve garlic bread. I can put a beating on some garlic bread. But I didn’t eat any. I DID eat one, single, spaghetti noodle, because I had to see if they were done. But don’t worry, I didn’t enjoy it. 😀 Ha!

As of yesterday, I am down 6 pounds. Today, I tried on a shirt my sister gave me a couple of months ago. It had been too tight, even with my wicked stretching skills. Today, with just a normal amount of stretching, (I do that with all my shirts – I don’t like them clingy) I was able to wear it fairly comfortably. I call that a good reason to keep going.

I’m still struggling with fatigue. I think I’m getting enough electrolytes, but maybe I’m not getting as much as I think. I’ll be looking into that this week, to see what I need to do differently. My other struggle is actually eating enough. I can definitely tell a difference in my appetite, and at times it’s tough to get the protein and such that I’m supposed to eat. That does make it a bit easier to stay under my carb limit though.

All in all, week one hasn’t killed me, and for the most part, I’ve kept my attitude on the positive end of the scale. Hubby hasn’t weighed yet, but he’s had to move his belt to the very last hole, which is a win. As for the kiddo, she of course isn’t doing this for the purpose of losing weight, but just to get in a habit of eating healthier and making better choices. She says she feels good and that she’s glad we’re doing it together. She’s also looking forward to the day we declare a cheat day. I’m just not sure when we’ll break down and do that yet.

Eventually I’ll get up the nerve to share my “before” pictures. I’m not there yet. But I’ll get there.

Here’s to week 2! Thanks for coming along and cheering me on!